Job Description

The USAID/Nepal Karnali Water Activity will create healthy, resilient, and water secure communities at the watershed level through strengthened water and sanitation governance that improves water resource management (including water for more resilient and biodiverse ecosystems), enhances sustainable access to drinking water, improves agriculture water management, and reduces the fecal pathogen burden in the environment from poorly managed non-sewered sanitation through fecal sludge management. The program team will methodically integrate water resource management (WRM), watershed biodiversity conservation, and water and sanitation service delivery by mapping and strengthening the roles, connections, and capacities of key actors and stakeholders system-wide.

Primary Responsibilities:
The Water Supply Services and Private Sector Development Specialist will lead project activities related to increasing access to water supply services, including service provision quality and managing demand. S/he will lead activities focused on improving: i) capacity of local government to lead multi-stakeholder sector planning, monitoring and targeting of investments using evidence-based, transparent, and gender and socially inclusive decision-making; and ii) performance of rural water supply implementers (construction of schemes) and operators of waters supply services to provide gender and socially inclusive, resilient, and sustainable water supply services. This will include strengthening post-construction support and extension services for the technical, operational, financial, and equitable provision of services to ensure water supply operators deliver gender and socially inclusive, resilient, and sustainable water supply services.

If you have previously applied for this position, you are requested not to re-submit your application.

DAI promotes workforce diversity and considers excluded groups to include women, Dalits, indigenous ethnic groups, Madhesi, Muslim, persons with disabilities, people living in remote areas, and sexual and gender minorities.