Nursing In-Charge
- 2 years ago
- Bayalpata Hospital, Achham
- Full Time
Nyaya Health Nepal, a Nepal-based NGO, delivers healthcare to underserved communities in Nepal in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development, Sudoorpaschim Provincial government, Nepal. Mobilizing global health best practices and on-the-ground implementation research, our team envisions a future where everyone is guaranteed universal health coverage as a human right, not a privilege. Our over 200+ staff members in Nepal deliver care to almost 200,000 people through our integrated healthcare approach, which involves the strategic use of technology and data to coordinate care across facilities and the community.
Management Structure:
Reports to: Medical and Surgical Director
Location: Bayalpata Hospital, Achham
Must Haves:
· B.Sc. Nursing or BN equivalent degree from a recognized institute and registered in NNC.
· We prefer that who have got at least one year of experience of providing clinical services.
· Self-starter and a problem solver with a passion and ability to learn quickly
· Basic computer knowledge.
Big 3 Responsibilities:
1. Provide direct nursing care for inpatient, outpatient, emergency, maternity, family planning, surgical and abortion patient and OT.
2. Manage the nursing teams and health aid team at Bayalpata Hospital, including timely and compassionate care of patients, teaching and career development of the nursing staff, organized and clean management of clinical spaces and proper sterilization.
3. Support the management structure of the hospital as a member of senior management.
Provide direct nursing care for inpatient, outpatient, emergency, maternity, family planning, surgical and abortion patient and OT.
· Admit and discharge patients from the inpatient department
· Appropriately triage patients based on severity of illness.
· Manage morning rounds with the medical team.
· Provide all necessary assistance in the management of emergency cases or deliveries.
· Provide proper nursing care to admitted patients and deliveries.
· Observe the patients closely and inform the doctor regarding the patient condition.
· Give, take and facilitate all patients and visitors.
· Provide health education to patients and visitors.
· Provide all primary services related to maternal health.
· Conduct regular deliveries independently and assists others as well.
· Document medical and nursing services provided.
· Serve as on-call first responder for any clinical emergency cases.
· Assist in emergency room in cash of high patient flow or severe patient conditions.
· Work on regular rotation with other Nursing staffs, including night duties.
· Develop, teach staff and ensure respect of nursing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures).
Manage the nursing teams and health aid team at Bayalpata Hospital, including timely and compassionate care of patients, teaching and career development of the nursing staff, organized and clean management of clinical spaces and proper sterilization.
· Ensure all requested nursing (Surgical, inpatient, maternity, abortion) data reports are submitted on time to the data and technology officer)
· Stay actively engaged in community health programs.
· Manage inpatient and surgical nursing staffs as well as health aids, including fulfillment of job responsibilities, professional demeanor, attendance, proper leave request, etc.
· Compose Nursing Duty Roster for all nursing staffs by the 1st of every month.
Monitoring, feedback, technical backstopping and managing.
Consistent stock and supply for all clinical departments.
· Participate in Internal Management Committee, Procurement Committee, Data Meetings, Morbidity and mortality Reports and others upon request.
· Appoint Staff to Quality teams.
· Supervise the Health Aide In-charge to ensure proper supervision of health aides for cleaning, assisting in deliveries and OT and proper sterilization techniques.
Support the management structure of the hospital as a member of senior management.
The above list of responsibilities is not comprehensive, and the Nursing In-charge may be required to take on additional responsibilities, as determined by the line manager.