- 10 years ago
- Kathmandu,
Application Link:
Additional Category Democratic Governance
Type of Contract : Individual Contract
Post Level : International Consultant
Languages Required : English
Starting Date : (date when the selected candidate is expected to start) 06-Jan-2015
Duration of Initial Contract : 18 working days starting from 6 Jan 2015 - 25 Jan 2015
Expected Duration of Assignment : 18 working days starting from 6 Jan 2015 - 25 Jan 2015
The Election Commission of Nepal (ECN) is a constitutional body responsible for holding elections in Nepal. It is an independent body and directly involves in the planning and managing the national and local level elections in Nepal. ECN has a good track record of conducting free, fair and credible elections. It has gained international credibility for its impartial role during the past elections, and has consequently been able to establish collaborative relationships with several international agencies and obtain substantial technical support.
Recently accomplished Constituent Assembly Election 2013 has been cited as one of the best elections ever held in the electoral history of Nepal. However, the ECN currently faces 'institutional capacity development' as a great challenge to maintain its credibility in the days to come. These challenges could be observed at two levels: (1) human resource development for Nepali electoral authorities, i.e., continuous professionalization of the ECN staff members’ abilities with respect to the diverse aspects related to administration of the electoral processes and (2) institutional and organizational development including fine-tuning of institutional and operational frameworks that allow ECN officials to apply their acquired skills to the electoral process.
In order to support the Election Commission of Nepal (ECN) in its institutional capacity development, UNDP/ESP together with other BRIDGE implementing partners such as, IFES and IDEA International provides both technical and financial support to institutionalize BRIDGE program in Nepal and considers one of the best alternatives to support the ECN in its staff development programs. BRIDGE is a key component of UNDP electoral assistance worldwide and an important element of the UNDP/ESP in Nepal for the ECN staff development.
In Nepal, BRIDGE program started in 2008 as a partnership between the ECN, UNDP ESP, IFES and IDEA International. The ECN is the lead institution for the implementation of BRIDGE activities in Nepal, and organizes events with the technical and financial support of UNDP/ESP, IFES and IDEA. The BRIDGE Coordination Committee (BCC) constituted under the chairmanship of a Joint Secretary of the ECN comprising representatives from UNDP/ESP, IFES and IDEA, oversights BRIDGE actives and meets bi-annually to propose activities and approves an annual work plan. A BRIDGE Working Group (BWG) comprising representatives from the ECN, UNDP/ESP, IFES and IDEA assists the BCC.
Since 2008, over 50 BRIDGE training courses on 10 modules, including foundation module “Introduction to Electoral Administration” and nine thematic modules (Electoral Systems, Electoral Training, Pre-election Activities, Voter Registration, Electoral Contestants, Electoral Dispute Resolution, Electoral Observation, Gender and Elections, and Media and Elections) have been conducted across the country for approximately 1,150 participants, including both TtF and modular courses. The TtF courses were conducted in Nepal in 2008, 2011 and 2012 respectively for approximately 60 participants in total.
After the successful accomplishment of Constitution Assembly Election 2013, the ECN aims to develop its Electoral Education and Information Centre (EEIC) as regional hub for BRIDGE activities in South Asia that can deliver modern electoral processes in the region. It also intends to develop a pool of highly specialized electoral professionals within its organizational structure for long-term capacity development activities of its own staff with a view of retaining its highly skilled trained staff possessing international standards.
In this regard, ECN has planned a BRIDGE TtF training in Nepal from 12 - 22 January, 2015 for SAARC. Countries’ participants. Each member country will have opportunity to nominate two participants (one male and one female). As part of ECN’s continuous effort of its staff development, proposed BRIDGE TtF is the 4th event of its series and the second initiative at the regional level.
In order to support ECN efforts to develop its EEIC as regional hub for BRIDGE activities in South Asia UNDP/ESP intends to hire an international consultant to run the Train the Facilitators (TtF).
SAARC countries include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the overall supervision of Chief Technical Adviser of the Electoral Support Project, International Consultant will have the following principal duties:
Interested Candidates can download the Procurement Notice, detailed Terms of Reference (Annex 1), and General Conditions of Contract for the services of Individual Contractors (Annex 2), P11 Form (Annex 3) and Offeror’s Letter to UNDP (Annex 4) from the UNDP website:
Please submit your application to the following email address:
Functional Competencies:
Corporate competences:
Required Skills and Experience