World Food Programme (WFP) Nepal

  • Lalitpur, Nepal, Lalitpur

About Company

With a population of 26.6 million, Nepal is struggling to give itself a new constitution and a stable government after a decade of civil conflict. Nepal has a GDP per capita of US$1,049, and ranks 157 of 187 countries on the 2011 UNDP Human Development Index. Twenty-five percent lives below the national poverty line (less than US$0.50 per day). Agricultural production is not at pace with the population growth, and frequent natural disasters destroy the livelihoods of many Nepalese. According to FAO, 4.5 million Nepalese are undernourished.

The World Food Programme (WFP) provides food assistance in Nepal through three sub-offices with three major projects: The Country Programme (DEV 200319), Social Protection Livelihoods and assets creation programme (PRRO 200152), and the refugee operation (PRRO 200136). In January 2013, WFP started a new five-year Country Programme through actively supporting the Government of Nepal in tackling food insecurity, focusing on social safety nets in the areas of nutrition, education and rural livelihoods support. The interventions concentrate on the most vulnerable populations in the mid- and far-western hills and mountain regions where the most food-insecure people live.