UKaid Nepal

  • Ram Shah Path, Kathmandu

About Company

The Nepal Health Sector Support Programme 3 (NHSSP 3) is funded by UK aid from the UK government, and is being implemented from April 2017 to December 2022. It is designed to support the goals of the National Health Sector Strategy (NHSS) and is focused on enhancing the capacity of the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) to build a resilient health system to provide quality health services leaving no one behind. Responding to the need of Federalism, the programme has extended its support to sub national government to strengthen the health system at local level.

The programme is managed by three core partners Options Consultancy Services, HERD International, and Oxford Policy Management, Each partner contributes to the planning and delivery of the programme with a shared focus on achieving results for the UK government and Government of Nepal (GoN). The programme has five thematic areas that will deliver the projected results and deliverables, working closely with all spheres of government, aligned with the mandates of each sphere and with an increasing level of sub national TA:

The programme consists of five work streams:
  • Leadership and Governance (L&G)
  • Coverage and Quality (C&Q)
  • Data for Decision Making (D4D)
  • Health Infrastructure (HI)
  • Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI)