Centre for Rural Technology, Nepal (CRT/N)
- Bhanimandal,Lalitpur,
Organizational Setup
CRT/N’s organizational structure consists of a General Assembly comprising general members and promoters, and an Executive Board at the second level consisting of members elected by the General Assembly. The General Assembly provides policy direction to the management and approves rules and regulations for the organization. Management is headed by the Executive Director, who is the Executive Head of the institution and Member Secretary of the Board and is responsible for the day-to-day management and smooth implementation of the projects and programmes.
The Central Office of CRT/N has several divisions and units which are adequately staffed with qualified persons. CRT/N has a Regional Office in Nepalgunj, west Nepal, which coordinates activities in Mid and Far Western Region of Nepal. CRT/N has a plan to establish similar offices in other regions of the country as well. The CRT/N office is equipped with adequate number of computer/printers, photocopier, telephone, fax, internet, multimedia, etc.
Regional/International Activities
CRT/N has been involved in following regional and international level activities:
Nexus Carbon for Development
CRT/N is a founding member and also a Board member of Nexus Carbon for Development, a global alliance for carbon project development. Nexus has been incorporated in Singapore. It is a signatory of the Gold Standard Pledge for premium quality carbon credits.
Link to www.nexus-c4d.org
International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA)
Based in the Netherlands, ENERGIA links individuals and groups concerned with energy, sustainable development, and gender in various countries in Asia and Africa. CRT/N has managed the Regional Secretariat of ENERGIA for Asia Region from July 2007- February 2009 providing support to the National Focal Points (NFPs) of ENERGIA in Asia Region consisting of NFPs in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.
Link to: www.energia.org
Assignments in Other Countries
Support for Efficiency Increment of Locally Produced Stoves for Wood and Dung Fuel in Tibet:
CRT/N has supported institutions in Autonomous Region of Tibet and conducted training for the local production of efficient improved wood and dung fuel stoves with support from the GTZ.
Regional Study on Stoves:
CRT/N along with GERES, France and ARECOP, Indonesia, was involved in a regional level study on “Opportunities in ICS Dissemination”. Supported by the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV), the study was conducted in six countries, namely, Laos PDR, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam.
Productive Skill on Renewable Energy and Uses, Kabul, Afghanistan:
CRT/N has provided technical support for trainings of Master Trainers and assessment of various technologies including improved biomass technologies in Kabul, Afghanistan. This initiative was
supported by UN-Habitat Afghanistan and conducted during January-February 2010.
Technical Support to RSPN, Bhutan:
CRT/N assisted Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN), a National NGO of Bhutan, in strengthening its organizational capability to undertake RETs related activities in Bhutan within the project “Women in Energy and Water Management Project” supported by UNEP/ICIMOD in 2003.
Consultancy Assignments/Training
CRT/N has a long experience of conducting various studies in renewable energy sector. The studies conducted by CRT/N range from policy study to baseline, feasibility, monitoring and assessment/impact evaluation studies relating to hydropower, biomass and solar technologies. The studies were conducted for national as well as international institutions such as German Technical Assistance (GTZ), the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV), International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and various UN organisations. CRT/N has a dedicated technical unit for conducting training and research on Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).
Likewise, CRT/N has conducted a number of trainings and regional workshop on RETs and Gender and Energy.
Research on Rural Technologies
CRT/N has undertaken a number of research activities sponsored by various organisations. Most recently, it accomplished lab research on Institutional Improved Cook stoves (IICS) supported by International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and a field research on solar dryers for coffee drying supported by Helvetas Nepal. Recently, CRT/N has signed a contract with ICRC regarding supervision and monitoring for the installation of 20 IICS in Maoist Cantonments in Rolpa (8) and Kailali (12) districts.
CRT/N has a Research Laboratory for testing of improved cook stoves. It also has equipments such as HOBO and UCB Particle Monitor which can be used for measuring air pollution inside kitchen.
Resource Centre
CRT/N has a Resource Centre with a good collection of books, reports, documents and audio-visuals on renewable energy. Particularly, it has a separate collection of materials related to improved cook stove, carbon financing and gender, energy and water. The Resource Centre is accessible to interested individuals and institutions.
CRT/N Managed Websites
CRT/N has been managing following websites:
CRT/N’s efforts have been recognised in international area through following rewards: